Posted on 31 Jul 2023
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Posted on 31 Jul 2023

“Websites are very important to build the branding of a business. A brand can use its website to include a narrative in each of its products, making them more attractive to consumers. A brand can also create special sections that highlight collaboration with other brands.”

-Bayu Rizki-

With the rapid development of the Internet, there’s a lot of new websites that show up every day. It’s because people these days are looking for information on search engines like Google. 

Many websites that continue to emerge automatically make web development more popular and needed. Web development refers to the process of building and maintaining websites and includes some aspects such as web design, coding, programming, and CMS management.

In this era, websites are not only useful for looking at information or entertainment, but it can also be used for business. Business owners must have websites considering a lot of benefits that can be made. 

Bayu Rizki, Head of Section Web Development BDD, explains the importance of business websites for brand owners.

“In fact, from a business perspective, websites are inferior to the marketplace. But a website is very important to build the branding of a business. A brand can use its website to include a narrative in each of its products, making them more attractive to consumers. Through websites, we can also collect customer data that can be processed and be used for creating strategies to be closer to the customers.” 

Once the process of creating a website is completed, the important thing to do is also website maintenance. Website maintenance is very important because there are often the latest updates of the technology used that can not be updated automatically. 

“The rapid development of technology makes it always have updates in a year, sometimes 3-4 times. So, we need to keep up with the developments so that the website can be adapted.”

Web development at BDD has several other services, such as e-commerce and web development, website maintenance, web apps development, and enterprise information system. You can choose these services depending on your business needs. 

As stated by Rizki, the website plays a vital role for business. Creating a business website that is both attractive and well-functioning will automatically influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Because of that, BDD is the most suitable choice if you want to create a website according to your wishes. We have a special team to support and handle all the requests from the client. Plus BDD provides a maintenance guarantee for a month, so if there’s trouble after the development process, we will help resolve it. 

So, what are you waiting for? Call us or click BDD Web Development Service here. 

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