Posted on 20 Jul 2023
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Posted on 20 Jul 2023

Google recently introduced the latest product, Google Analytics 4 to replace Universal Analytics. GA4 is the next-generation measurement solution with the help of advanced technology. Google Analytics 4 allows Web and App data to be collected separately, or in one continuous property. 

Compared to its old version, Google Analytics 4 comes with a lot of features that are definitely more interesting. One of them is the new data modeling feature that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. 

This feature became a solution for marketers to understand their audiences after in earlier versions of Analytics it was blocked by cookie-consent rules. With GA4 that is built by advanced technology, this latest version of Analytics can provide valuable and relevant information. 

You should set up your Google Analytics 4 account as soon as possible, Buddies! Because starting July 1 2023, Universal Analytics will stop processing new data. If you are still in doubt with this version of Analytics, here’s a walkthrough for new features of GA4. 

1. Machine learning and AI

One of the features that is highlighted in this GA4 is the use of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both advanced technologies are projected as the main form of data measurement that can predict user behavior. With the use of that technology, it absolutely will provide more intelligent marketing insight.

2. Cross-device tracking

Google Analytics 4 also allows users to cross-device tracking, not just for tracking websites. This feature focuses to give marketers a more complete understanding of the customer journey across devices.

3. Better Google Ads intergation

GA4 automatically exports audience segments for Google ads that can simplify the targeting of different users demographics. Google can also create GA4 audiences, including predictive ones, directly from Google ads. This can make users more efficient to create audiences with the same tool you use to manage your campaigns.

4. Improve data control for privacy compliance

Google Analytics 4 designed to be “future proof” and work in a world without cookies or identifying data. In an effort to preserve users’ privacy, GA4 allows you to manage the data collected. With advanced technology, it’s easy to respect users’ privacy to comply with the data regulations that protect it. 

Google Analytics 4 gives us a fresh perspective on data. It’s a simplified model and allows for more granular reporting. Like we explained above, you should get started creating a Google Analytics 4 account to replace your Universal Analytics. 

The faster GA4 is made, so it can start collecting data immediately and gives you as much historical data to work with. After you have switched to Google Analytics 4, the next step is to use GA4 to track conversion. And also don’t forget to export the previous report, a maximum of 6 months from July 1 2023. 

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful analytics tool that provides invaluable insights into your business. There are numerous benefits to GA4, including AI-driven insights, cross-device tracking, and more control over data. 

As with any other business tool, it’s crucial that you have a deep understanding of GA4 in order to take full advantage of it. Learning this new Analytics definitely takes a bit time, but it’s worth the effort. 

With that said, you may still be confused about how to make the switch effectively. Don’t worry, we are happy to help you out, Buddies. Let’s consult your needs to BDD! 

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