Posted on 27 Jun 2023
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Posted on 27 Jun 2023

It cannot be denied that now we live in the digital era which contains a variety of uniqueness in it. This change of era is inseparable from the rapid development of technology that has succeeded in making the world more modern.

The digital era has also given rise to lots of new terms that may still be very foreign to ordinary people, one of which is UI/UX design. However, for people working in the world of technology, the term UI/UX design is heard quite often.

Recently, UI/UX design itself has been much discussed and even many people are interested in working in that field. UI refers to the abbreviation of “user interface”, while UX is “user experience”.

This profession is known as a UI/UX designer who is generally responsible for work related to software or applications. The role of UI/UX designers is vital because they become a bridge in connecting users with application developers.

Even though the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are in the same realm, the goals and definitions are actually different. So, in this article we will try to explain various things related to UI/UX, starting from the meaning, differences, to the skills that must be possessed. Take notes, okay!

1. What is UI/UX design?

UI design is a user-oriented approach to designing unique and attractive digital products. In short, user interface (UI) designers are responsible for creating the look and feel of a website or application. In the process of making it also contains several elements, such as widgets, images, text, sliders, and many more. All of the existing visual elements, transitions and animations must not only function properly, but also be easy to use.

Meanwhile, UX design refers to the user experience when interacting with a product or service. UX design is defined as the process of creating a product or service that provides a memorable experience for users by involving various product development elements, such as usability, function, branding and design. In the process, UX designers must be user-oriented in order to have positive interactions and make users feel satisfied.

Judging from the above understanding, the two components are very important for a product and are closely related to one another. But apart from that, you could say their roles are quite different.

2. The differences between UI and UX design

Because UI and UX work together and are related, many people are still confused about the difference between the two. To understand better, here we show some differences between UI and UX design.

UI Design: 

  • Focusing on the appearance of the product and its function
  • Manage app touchpoints so they can be used for interaction
  • Based on various visual elements, such as color, animation, layout, buttons and typography
  • Designing unique and aesthetically appealing products

UX Design:

  • Focusing on the impression that users feel about the product
  • Designing information architecture
  • Map user paths
  • Ensure user satisfaction through product smoothness

3. Skills that UI and UX designer need

UI and UX designers are known to have some of the same skills, such as empathy, collaboration, design thinking, and prototyping. But apart from that, UI and UX also have their own set of skills. Here we show some of them:

UI Design: 

  • Color theory
  • Typography
  • Design pattern
  • Animation

UX Design:

  • User research
  • Information architecture
  • Product strategy
  • Data analysis
  • Design visuals

So, that was the discussion about various things about UI/UX design, starting from understanding, the differences to the skills that must be possessed. Given the rapid development of digital, UI/UX designers are increasingly sought after.

This is inseparable from the increasing number of people who are now spending more and more time online. That way, business people must start switching to digital in order to adapt to the market.

This is where UI/UX designers have the opportunity to help business people create qualified websites or applications. Because if these two components are not used, it will have a negative impact on the business.

So, is the Buddies website or business application UI/UX friendly? If not, contact Boleh Dicoba Digital (BDD) instead! We have performance creative services that can lead your business to the next stage.

BDD is committed to creating attractive websites with a smooth and intuitive approach through UI/UX. Buddies also don’t need to hesitate to use our services because until now there have been more than 50 businesses that have grown and developed with BDD through performance creative services.
If interested, just contact us or click on the website BDD.

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